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Tree Preservation Order: 641 (2017)

Mardley Hill, Mardley Avenue, Mardley Heights, Oaklands.

for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape.

Type Count Identifier Species
Group Oak
Group Sycamore
Group 2 Oak
Group 2 Pine
Group Pine
Group Larch
Group Beech
Group Birch
Group 5 Oak
Group 2 Silver Birch
Group 1 Hawthorn
Group Hornbeam
Group 10 Beech
Group 1 Oak
Group 4 Scots Pine
Group Acer
Group Beech
Group Birch
Group Prunus
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Spruce
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Silver Birch
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Spruce
Individual 1 Hornbeam
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 False Acacia
Individual 1 Beech

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Officer Report
Objection Comments TPO 641 (2017)(1).pdf (1762 kb) Officer report 19/02/2018
Tree Preservation Order
TPO Order_641 (2017)(2)(1).pdf (6554 kb) TPO Order 20/02/2018
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2024/1990/TPO 13 x multi-stemmed beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees to the front of the property to be crown reduced by 20% and deadwood removed TPO 641 (2017) G6 Granted
6/2024/1922/TPO Oak tree to reduce by 25% back to previous cuts (TPO 641 (2017)) Granted
6/2024/1895/TPO 2 x Silver birches branches thinned out. Fell 1 x Hornbeam. (TPO 641 G5 (2017)) Refused
6/2024/1180/TPO Covered by TPO 24 A3 1 x Beech to reduce by approximately 2.5m in height and 1.5m in width. Tree is close to property, also causing large shading afternoon onwards Granted
6/2024/0782/TPO T1 to fell uprooted silver birch (Betula pendula). Granted
6/2024/0734/TPO 1 x Beech to reduce by approximately 4m in height. The upper canopy is to be reduced by approximately 2m and the lower canopy by up to 4m. Tree has a large included union at the tree Biforcates. There is also lower bark cracking on each side below the inclusions. The aim is to reduce stress on the union while reducing size of the tree also minimising debris & bird droppings falling on cars TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2024/0557/TC T1. Oak to reduce the crown by up to 3m (radius) except the north-west/roadside of crown. Give a 2-metre clearance of the roof. TPO 641 (2017) T11 Granted
6/2024/0531/HOUSE Erection of part single storey and part two storey front and rear extension Granted
6/2024/0141/TPO Hornbeam tree (3 Mardley Heights) to crown reduce overhanging branches by 30%. Beech tree (5 Mardley Heights) to crown reduce overhanging branches by 30%. Covered by TPO 24 A3. Granted
6/2024/0070/TPO T7 and T8 Oak 30% crown reduction to the previous points. (TPO 641) Granted
6/2023/2047/TPO To dig up self seeded Castinae and relocate it either elsewhere on land or to the local woods TPO 641 (2017) Withdrawn
6/2023/1906/TPO 3 Oak trees to crown lift to 5m, crown reduction by 30% to remove deadwood and overhanging branches. Covered by TPO 641 (2017) T9 & TPO24 A3. Granted
6/2023/0820/TPO Reduce crown 1 x A1 Oak (Quercus robur) by 15% covered by TPO 641 Granted
6/2022/2487/TPO 50ft Oak tree to reduce by 30% TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2022/2402/VAR Variation of condition 2 (revised drawings) on planning permission 6/2022/0971/HOUSE Granted
6/2022/2027/TPO 2x large Oak trees to reduce by 30% - Close to the house and neighbours property along with excessive shading TPO 641 (2017) G4 Granted
6/2022/0862/TPO Reduce height of Holly and Elder tree by 20-30%. Removal of 4 overgrown conifers affecting building works to neighbours. Pruning of all trees and hedges on property in rear garden and front roadside, long overdue. Withdrawn
6/2022/0971/HOUSE Erection of two storey extension to the front on the eastern flank, incorporating study on the ground floor and dressing room on the first floor, and two storey extension to the front on the western flank, incorporating double garage on the ground floor and bedroom extension on the first floor Granted
6/2022/0811/HOUSE Erection of a part single storey and part two storey front and rear extension. Granted
6/2022/0263/TPO T1 - Apple tree - reduce by 30% due to poor health and deadwood and decay within the crown. TPO 24 A3 T2 - Oak tree - to reduce back to previous points, 20% crown reduction. TPO 641 (2017) T4 - Growing over the drive - Previous coppice, reduce the weight of the stems to prevent potential split outs at base T3 - Large Beech tree - to reduce by 30%. TPO 641 (2017) T16 - Very close to the house in the back garden - excessive shading - growing over neighbours garden a fair amount Granted
6/2021/3540/HOUSE Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing conservatory Granted
6/2021/3223/TPO 1 x Oak to remove major deadwood throughout canopy and reduce limbs growing towards property by 1.2m. Remove Ivy to a height of 3m. Withdrawn
6/2021/2664/COND Submission of detail pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2021/1099/HOUSE Granted
6/2021/2127/TPO T1 - oak - crown reduce 1-2m and deadwood T2 - oak fell to ground level T3 - beech - crown reduce 4-5m T4 - beech - crown reduce 4-5m Granted
6/2021/1697/TPO T1 - Sweet Chestnut repollard back to previous points gaining some control and access of light. T2 - Overall reduce and shape all round by approx 25%. T3 - T6 Are all neighbours trees. Looking to cut all trees back to boundary line T3 - Oak Tree to cut tree back to boundary line. T4 - T5 Lime Trees to cut trees back to boundary line. T6 - Pine Tree to shorten just a couple of limbs back a couple of meters. Granted
6/2021/1299/TPO Prune T1 Oak located at the front of property according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing up to 2 meters growth pruning back to suitable growth points to leave a balanced crown Crown clean removing any damaged, diseased and deadwood Prune G1 Various Species, Beech, Berberis and flowering Current located at the front garden according to the following specifications: • Prune back hard garden side back to mainstem of Beech and following line down other species garden side Prune T3 Pine located at the front of property according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing 1.5 meters growth in height pruning back to suitable growth points reduce lateral branches to leave a balanced crown Prune G3 Mixed Hegde located at the Left of driveway according to the following specifications: • Trim back sides and top to leave a tidy formative shaped hedge trimming back hard form driveway without cuasing possible future browning off Prune T1 Beech located at the left rear of house according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing up to 2.5 meters growth pruning back to suitable growth points to leave a balanced crown bring down height enough but not too much as to keep privacy Crown clean removing any damaged, diseased and deadwood Granted
6/2021/1099/HOUSE Replacement garage Granted
6/2021/0943/TPO T1 - re-pollard 3-4m T2 - fell Beech tree to ground level T3 - oak tree 3-4m crown reduction T4 - Beech tree 5-6m crown reduction Refused
6/2021/0944/TPO T1 - Beech 5-6m crown reduction T2 - Beech 5-6m crown reduction Granted
6/2020/2928/TPO G3 - Pine and Silver Birch - Reduce to ground level Granted
6/2020/2956/TPO Oak (T5) - Reduction by 25% ( to where it was previously pruned to) Granted
6/2020/0516/TPO Reduce 4 x Oak Trees by 20% and thin by 20% Granted
6/2020/0294/HOUSE Erection of two storey front extension, erection of double garage and alterations to openings Granted
6/2019/1977/TPO Reduce 1x Walnut tree by 25% (TPO 698) Granted
6/2018/1657/TPO Reduce 1 x Oak tree by 40% Granted
N6/1987/1068/FP Erection of detached dwelling with double garage after demolition of existing dwelling Granted
N6/1979/0001/ Two chalet houses and double garages Granted